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Bolen Bluff

April 24th 2022 100 Savannah Blvd. Micanopy, FL

Bolen Bluff is part of the Paynes Prairie Preserve and trail system. with a three-mile trail that leads to an observation tower and a convenient loop to and from the parking lot. I had never been here before which seemed like a problem worth fixing considering I only live a short drive away.

Flooded trail leading to observation tower

Type of Habitat: Wet Prairie Weather: Mostly Sunny Air Temperature: 86° F See all of my observations from Bolen Bluff on iNaturalist


I Notice. I Wonder, It Reminds Me of

What captured my eye at Bolen Bluff was the vegetation. Although it is still part of the Paynes Prairie Preserve, the landscape was much different than at La Chua trail.

To begin with, the wet prairie is bordered by much more raised hardwood plains.

The surrounding elevation is very forested with a lot of oak and pine trees. Along with this forest, came the forest creatures: a family of White Tail Deer.

The large forest trees that were at the base of the prairie were actually broken at the top.

Because there are not other signs of trees further into the prairie, and knowing the prairie is currently quite flooded well over the usual pathway, I assume the tops of the trees are broken off due to the flooding. The trails have been flooded over for quite sometime. Probably long enough to effect the outlying forest trees like this.

Other vegetation I was excited to see was blackberry bushes!

That is, until I noticed how dried they were. With so much flooding, I assume they would be more plump. And I know it's not a result of the berries not being ripe yet, because even the dark black ones were rock hard. Blackberries generally don't begin to ripen until late June. So it's already unusual to see blackberries ripe so early in the summer. I've been racking my head with what could make these blackberries so dried and hard.

You can see here how pinching them doesn't even put a dent in them. they are very hard.


Prominent Animals and Species

Although not as busy as La Chua Trail, Bolen Bluff still had a lot of energy. Most auditory.

This video doesn't show any visible wildlife, but you can certainly hear the energy from all around.

Below are more highlight creatures I came across:

Five-lined skink

Softshell Turtle

Red Winged Black Bird



Eastern Pondhawk

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